OK, a week and a bit into the new job so time to put finger to keyboard a bit more.
My apartment, bottom left |
I have an apartment in the 'Campus', my part of which was built about 10-11 years ago. It's quite new and shiny still, is quite secure (security patrols/gate checks etc.) and about 1 km from work. It's provided free by the plant ('CNE') and it includes daily muck-out, sheets, towels, electricity...). I just pay for food and the internet which works out at £15/month. My apartment is on the left side of this block, ground floor. It has air-con which is OK but the test will be in winter. I'm not yet sure of the make-up of the inmates in our part, that will become apparant soon. There are a number of Canadians about (CNE plant is a Canadian design). I've already met a few of them.
Kinectrics provide me with a rental car (also in photo). First time around, it's a Passat which is fine except for a knocking from the front joints when turning sharply. Hopefully I'll get the same car again next time I'm out here as I am in the process of getting a car pass for the car park.
The campus has a couple of pools which are free to use. Most apartments are smaller and older. I have a feeling the the expats get the nicer ones. There's a restaurant on site but only open at breakfast and lunch for station workers. Apparantly you need special permission to go in if you're not a CNE employee.
It's a 1/2 mile walk into the town centre so not that far. More about the exciting selection of shops later...
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