Monday 16 December 2013

50 sheds of grey

Sunday - a grey day in a grey place.

Sad, frozen pool
Sorry if it sounds a bit depressing, it isn't meant to be but is more a description of Cernavoda on a Sunday afternoon in December.  There's something about these types of day where the cloud hangs low, it's just 2-3 degrees C above freezing.  We seemed to have many such days in Kozloduy where the only thing to be seen moving was gangs of rampant Brits looking for a bar which was open, showing football and warm.

Sunday was such a day.  I wrenched myself away from a rerun of 'Sounds of the 60s' on BBC radio and headed off for some air. With the trusty Nikon.

It's not that the place really is grey - well, I lie.  Most is as the blocks are rendered in grey or made from grey concrete.  The paths are grey except where they are black - and they are the holes revealing mysterious chambers below...

Couldn't see the depth of that hole

It was one of those days which is 180 degrees off the summer experience.  Even poor Snow White looked forlorn.

Current Affairs
As for the history of Europe in the 20th century, some local artists are a little out of touch with 1945's developments.  I liked the subtlety of this particular sentiment.

Expecting crowds

And steps which wouldn't look out of place at a Premier League football ground...

Most Cernavodians sensibly spend their Sunday afternoons (a) asleep, (b) shopping or (c) watching 'Romania's Got Talent' on tv.  Only mad dogs (plenty of them around) and Englishmen (far fewer) go out in the grey of Cernavoda.

At least when it snows, it covers all the shite up...