Saturday 27 July 2013

A start

I thought about keeping a diary when in Kozloduy but it never got off the ground.  I need to try harder this time - even if it's just me who reads it!

Anyway, I travel to Romania tomorrow, to start work on Monday.  It wasn't a good start to a weekend as Maria's mother unexpectedly died on Friday night so that's thrown us into some turmoil.  I'm still going as planned - we'll see what happens to the funeral date etc.

I'll be project manager for a consortium of Romanian and Canadian companies who are currently designing the Cernavoda Tritium Removal Facility to be built at Cernavoda in SE Romania (hence the blog title!).  It's in some disarray at present as it is without any management so I have plenty to dig into.

I visited Cernavoda in June for a short visit with Ken Jackson.  The town is quite like Kozloduy (size, amenities) so that was no issue.  The town is about 2 hr from Bucharest via a new motorway which should help travel (the road from Kozloduy to Sofia was really bad at times for (a) bad weather and (b) bad drivers).

Tonight's Anthems night at RAF Cranwell so maybe that'll lift us up out of our gloom a bit.

More soon - unless this blog goes the same way as the last!